Published : 2022-07-22

Pułtusk Residents at the Krakow Academy Until 1526: The Comments on the Level of Education in the Late Medieval Pułtusk


An attempt to defi ne and prosopographically analyze the group of 26 identified and earliest recorded students from Pułtusk at the Krakow Academy in the years 1423–1526. The size of the group was established. The duration of studies was defi ned as short, on average no longer than a full semester. The effectiveness of the studies (two baccalaureates) did not differ from the norm, but only partial studies shortened due to high costs were not an obstacle in their careers. The author, on the basis of fi ve records from 1423–1438, makes the hypothesis that there had been a parish school in Pułtusk before the collegiate school was established. He points to a slight infl uence of the collegiate school, especially in its initial period, on the number of enrollments in the Academy. He considers the economic and social condition of the townspeople of Pułtusk to be important reasons for the increase in the number of registrations.


Jagiellonian University, 15th-16th century, students, Mazovia, Pułtusk, history, education





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Lolo, R. (2022). Pułtusk Residents at the Krakow Academy Until 1526: The Comments on the Level of Education in the Late Medieval Pułtusk. Studia Mazowieckie, 17(1), 109–122.

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