Published : 2022-02-24

Selection of Documents of the Department for Religious Affairs of the Voivodeship Office in Ciechanów and the Provincial Office in Płock (1975-1989) from the Collection of the Archives of New Records in Warsaw


The activity of the Religious Affairs Departments of the Provincial Offices in Ciechanów and Płock in the years 1975-1989, formally subordinate to the provincial governors of the new provinces established in 1975, as well as the Office for Religious Affairs in Warsaw, was one of the forms of implementing the religious policy of communist authorities. Apart from these departments’ numerous documents, which are currently kept in the State Archives in Warsaw, Mława Branch (team: Voivodeship Office in Ciechanów) and in the State Archives in Płock (team: Provincial Office in Płock), many documents have also been preserved and are kept at the Archives of New Records in Warsaw (team: Office for Religious Affairs). In this selection, 11 of these documents have been published, concerning conversations with clergy conducted at meetings with voivodes and employees of departments, statistical reports on the shaping of religious relations in individual provinces, reports and annual plans on the religious situation and the activities of departments as well as post-visit documents of the Departments for Religious Affairs in Ciechanów and Płock.


Office for Religious Affairs, Department for Religious Affairs in Ciechanów, Department for Religious Affairs in Płock, religious policy, Polish People’s Republic

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Zygner, L. (2022). Selection of Documents of the Department for Religious Affairs of the Voivodeship Office in Ciechanów and the Provincial Office in Płock (1975-1989) from the Collection of the Archives of New Records in Warsaw. Studia Mazowieckie, 16(2), 81–149.

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