Published : 2021-10-01

The Dissolution of the Monastery of Missionaries of St. Vincent De Paul in Mława (1864) and the History of the Property of the Former Monastery


Monastery of the Missionary Priests of St. Vincent de Paul in Mława was active in the years 1712–1764. During this period, missionaries served the parish church of the Holy Trinity and the branch church of St. Lawrence in Mława and the parish church of St. Anna in Wojnowka, previously affi liated with the Mława parish. As a result of the dissolution of monasteries in the Kingdom of Poland (1864), the missionary house in Mława was closed, and the property of the missionaries was taken over for the benefi t of the Kingdom’s treasury. The last missionaries left Mława in the spring of 1865. The property taken over from the missionaries (13 houses with squares, gardens, and orchards), as well as about 145 ha of land within the city limits and about 7.5 ha of land belonging to the former hospital run by missionaries were issued for auction and sold in the early 1870s. The building of the liquidated missionary monastery in 1873 was rebuilt for the needs of the offi ce of the Mława poviat. There was also a plan to convert a part of this building into an Orthodox church, which, however, did not come to fruition. The monastery building burned down completely during the air raids on Mława in January 1945.


Mława, monastery, missionaries of St. Vincent de Paul, dissolution, property of former monasteries

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Zygner, L. (2021). The Dissolution of the Monastery of Missionaries of St. Vincent De Paul in Mława (1864) and the History of the Property of the Former Monastery. Studia Mazowieckie, 16(1), 67–80.

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