Published : 2023-07-19

Management of cultural institutions during a pandemic – a case study of the studio cinema "Łydynia" in Ciechanów

Adam Piątkowski

Katarzyna Szymańska


The aim of this study is to show the conditions and possibilities of operating cinemas in Poland during the pandemic, on the example of the studio cinema "Łydynia" in Ciechanów. The coronavirus pandemic meant that both the "Łydynia" cinema and other cinemas had to implement a new work organization. They struggled with adapting to market guidelines, customer concerns, reduced revenues, and looking for sources of fi nancing. Compliance with the sanitary regime required additional workload, additional fi nancial outlays, increased costs, and hindered access to culture for the inhabitants of the Ciechanów county. New possibilities of reaching the customer were sought, virtual space was also used for contacts with the customer, which may initiate the trend of creating online cinemas. Customers, despite the pandemic, have used and still use cultural institutions. This shows that these institutions are important to them.


cinemas, pandemic, restrictions, Ciechanów, prospects





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Piątkowski, A., & Szymańska, K. (2023). Management of cultural institutions during a pandemic – a case study of the studio cinema "Łydynia" in Ciechanów. Studia Mazowieckie, 18(1), 159–172.

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