Published : 2023-12-31

Local Societies: Potential Opportunities for Action in the Field of Documentation, Research, and Protection of the Heritage of Small Homelands


The article is an attempt to take a synthetic look at the activities of
local associations and societies in documenting, researching, and protecting
the heritage of small homelands. The author shares his experience of working
in the conservation and protection of monuments, presenting recommendations
for socially active associations that could become an important
link in the system of documenting local and regional cultural heritage. This
study was presented in the form of a paper at a conference devoted to the
role of institutions and academic and cultural associations and societies in
researching and documenting the heritage of small homelands on the example
of northern Mazovia, organized in November 2023 by the National Academy
of Applied Sciences named after Ignacy Mościcki in Ciechanów.


local and regional associations and societies, heritage of small homelands, documentation, research, protection, popularization





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Małowiecki, R. (2023). Local Societies: Potential Opportunities for Action in the Field of Documentation, Research, and Protection of the Heritage of Small Homelands. Studia Mazowieckie, 18(2), 51–58.

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