Published : 2023-12-31

A Selection of Documents Regarding the Preparation and Introduction of Martial Law in the Ciechanów Voivodeship. Vol. 1: Security Service Documents from the Period from August 1980 to December 1981


The operation to introduce martial law in the Ciechanów Voivodeship
included fi ve main actions – interrupting and taking control of communications,
interning the most active activists of Solidarity, conducting warning
alks with previously selected activists and oppositionists who were required
to sign a declaration of loyalty, mastering several strategic facilities in the
voivodeship, and militarization of selected workplaces to prevent possible
strikes and sabotage. The materials collected here illustrate selected elements
of the mentioned operation and its local scale. The article presents
a selection of documents from the resources of the Archive of the Institute of
National Remembrance in Warsaw from 1980–1981, regarding the preparation
of the operation to introduce martial law in the Ciechanów Voivodeship.


martial law, preparation, Ciechanów Voivodeship, NSZZ “Solidarność”, internees during martial law, SB documents

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Zygner, L. (2023). A Selection of Documents Regarding the Preparation and Introduction of Martial Law in the Ciechanów Voivodeship. Vol. 1: Security Service Documents from the Period from August 1980 to December 1981. Studia Mazowieckie, 18(2), 187–226.

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