Published : 2025-03-07

Collectivization of Agriculture in the Mława District in the Years 1946–1956


The author presents activities in the collectivization of agriculture, undertaken in the Mława district [powiat] in 1949–1956. He focuses on the issue of creating agricultural production cooperatives. He presents it in a broader ideological and political context, attempting to assess its course and effects. He indicates that collectivization in the Mława district took place with varying intensity, but without the use of physical coercion, using economic incentives, and often using extralegal methods of action. The creation of
cooperatives was inept, without the proper involvement of the party and administrative apparatus. Most of the established cooperatives did not achieve the intended goals. It was impossible to achieve an increase in the level of management – on the contrary, the cooperatives generated losses and created financial problems, despite significant support from the state. The collectives created under administrative coercion fell apart in the second half of 1956, after the change in the state’s policy towards the countryside.


collectivization of agriculture, production cooperatives, the Mława district in 1949–1956, the policy of the Polish United Workers’ Party





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Arent, L. A. (2025). Collectivization of Agriculture in the Mława District in the Years 1946–1956. Studia Mazowieckie, 19(2), 11–35.

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