Published : 2025-03-07

Vegetable cultivation and importance of irrigation in production

Hatice Gürgülü


In order to meet the food needs of the growing population in the world and in Turkey, people continue to produce crops intensively. Vegetables are preferred more than other plants in crop production areas due to their high economic value and their advantages in terms of health and nutrition. Increasing the amount of product in agricultural production in order to meet the need for food is only possible by increasing the factors that ensure plant growth. Irrigation is one of the main factors affecting production in plant development. The efficient utilization of water resources, which are diminishing as a result of population growth and climate change, has become a critical issue. In particular, the strategic and economical use of irrigation water for agricultural purposes is of paramount importance. This necessitates the application of water resources in crop production according to scientifi cally designed
programs and techniques to optimize efficiency and sustainability. In this study, vegetable production in the world and in Turkey is briefly discussed and some irrigation practices and their effects in vegetable cultivation, which is of great importance in terms of production, are tried to be compiled and evaluated. As a result, considering the inadequacy of water resources, it is recommended that pressurized and smart irrigation technologies, which also ensure the sustainability of natural resources, should be developed and disseminated.


vegetables, vegetable cultivation, irrigation





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Gürgülü, H. (2025). Vegetable cultivation and importance of irrigation in production. Studia Mazowieckie, 19(2), 47–56.

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