Published : 2025-03-07

A Selection of Materials Concerning the Preparation and Introduction of Martial Law in the Ciechanów Voivodeship. Part 3: Annex


The operation to introduce martial law in the Ciechanów voivodeship included five main actions: interrupting and taking control of communications, internment of the most engaged activists of Solidarity, conducting warning talks with previously selected activists and oppositionists, who were required to sign a declaration of loyalty, taking over several strategic facilities in the voivodeship, and militarization of selected workplaces in order to prevent possible strikes and sabotage. The bodies supporting the actions of the army, the militia and the Security Service during martial law were the courts, which, pursuant to the December decree, sentenced summarily persons accused of violating the law, who were proven to have committed a crime. The first of them in the Ciechanów voivodeship was twenty-six-year-old Elżbieta Błońska (Walesiak), whose case files pending before the District Court in Ciechanów –
currently kept in the Archives of the Institute of National Remembrance in Warsaw – supplement the materials published in the previous parts of this selection of source texts on martial law in the Ciechanów voivodeship.


martial law, Ciechanów Voivodeship, Elżbieta Błońska, District Court in Ciechanów

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Zygner, L. (2025). A Selection of Materials Concerning the Preparation and Introduction of Martial Law in the Ciechanów Voivodeship. Part 3: Annex. Studia Mazowieckie, 19(2), 147–156.

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