Published : 2025-03-07

Centers of Landed Estates in the Settlement Landscape of the Ciechanów District


The study contains descriptions of changes in the signifi cance of landed property centers in the settlement landscape of today's Ciechanów district [powiat] in past centuries. The author used available materials, largely archival, to develop it. The changes are presented in time divisions – the Middle Ages, the period around 1560–1580, 1665–1675, 1780, the period around 1810, 1825–1830, 1860–1865, 1880–1885, the period around 1900, 1925, and 1945. It ends with an epilogue describing the current state. Such time divisions were established in connection with the known accounts from these periods, allowing for a relatively full description of the role of these centers in the landscape. The numerical research results are not precise due to the omission of petty-nobility settlements and frequent ambiguities in the accounts. The role of owners or disposers of landed estate centers in the cultural environment, leading local communities for centuries, is also noted.


area of the current Ciechanów district, settlement landscape, landed estates, centers, changes from the Middle Ages to 1945





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Małowiecki, R. (2025). Centers of Landed Estates in the Settlement Landscape of the Ciechanów District. Studia Mazowieckie, 19(2), 111–146.

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